Happy Paws Inc

· 5 let zkušenostíHello! My name is Karina and I live in the Czech Republic, originally from Ukraine. Few things about me: 1. Work for the tech company 2. Obsessed with animals ( in a good way) 3. Proud bunny owner 4. Been a petsitter for my boss at work and friends ( Jack Russell, French Bulldog, shelter cat, Pitbull, bunnies) 5. Back in Ukraine, my family owns - 1 dog, 6 cats, 4 chickens, 7 ducks 6. My dream is by the age 50 to have a pet hotel somewhere in Spain or Italy I do not put specific dates when I am available to petsit or walk your lovely creature, so just message me and we will agree on it :)
Libeň, 180 00 Prague 8, Czechia
Bunny the lion head
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Kočky Psi
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Recenzí (1)
I am happy, that I found Karyna, my dog was super happy, Karyna sent me a lot of pictures from their weekend. Comunation was great. I recomended!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
31.10.2022 · Hlídání zvířatPrague ,navštěvování koček ,psí návštěvy ,psí venčení ,hlídání koček ,hlídání psů