Friendly pet sitter!! English - Italian - Spanish and French

· 1 let zkušenostíHello reader! My name is Teresa and I am an italian living and working in Prague. I would be happy to take care of your animal! :) I am enthusiastic and happy person, and love to spend my time with pets in general. I mostly work from home so I can take of your pet while you are away or help you in whatever way you need! :) I have few past experiences and because of this I have decided to enroll in this website :) Feel free to send me a message or call me, I will be more than happy!! Cheers, Teresa
Žižkov, 130 00 Praha 3, Česko
no pets at the moment :)
Zvířata, které mohu navštívit:
Kočky Psi Ptáci Želvy Ryba
Zvířata, které mohu převézt:
Kočky Psi Ptáci Želvy Ryba
Monday to Friday if requested also weekends!
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Praha ,navštěvování koček ,psí návštěvy ,psí venčení ,hlídání koček ,hlídání psů